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Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Carlisle, PA

Remove Problematic Teeth Before They Cause Harm!

Smiling young woman

Known as evolutionary relics today, wisdom teeth tend to cause more problems than they solve. In the past, we’d be able to accommodate them once our molars fell out due to poor oral hygiene and inaccessibility to a balanced diet. Now that those problems are largely diminished, these “third molars” are far more likely to cause severe problems with your oral health. Dr. Neslund and Dr. Benner is more than qualified to safely and effectively remove wisdom teeth, so don’t hesitate to give our dental office a call!

Why Choose Carlisle Family & Cosmetic Dentistry for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

How are Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Metal clasp holding extracted tooth

Depending on the way in which the tooth erupts, Dr. Neslund or Dr. Benner will perform either a simple or surgical extraction to remove your wisdom tooth. During a simple extraction, the tooth has fully erupted through the gum tissue, making it completely exposed. However, a surgical extraction means that the tooth is trapped underneath existing gum tissue or a neighboring tooth. In this case, a small incision must be made to access the tooth, where it will likely be broken into smaller pieces for easier removal.

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